江照信 教授

2009.1-2024.8, 山东大学法学院副教授
2. 2021.1至今,香港中文大学名誉研究员
3. 2015至今,海峡两岸关系法学研究会会员、理事
4. 2014年至今,中国法律与历史国际协会会员
6. 2012.8-2014.8,康奈尔大学法学院(Cornell Law School)博士后研究
4. The Rise of Chinese Legal Exceptionalism: Court, Constitution, and Constitutionalist in the RepublicanEra, 1912-1971, Brill Press, forthcoming.
1.“State-centered Liberal Constitutionalism: An underappreciated legacy of ‘China’s Constitutional Court),” 22-1International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2024.
2.“A Constitutional Court’s Survival (By Any Name),” 22-1International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2024.
3.“The Untold Leader of Judicial Review: China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971) and the Innovative Constitutionalism,” 21-2International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2023.
4.“National Security Constitution and the ‘One Country, Two Systems’: An Outlook on the Hong Kong Basic Law,”The China Review (SSCI), forthcoming.
5.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2023”, in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2023 International Review of Constitutional Reform,2024 (forthcoming).
6.“End of Exceptionalism? The Fourth Pathway and the Innovative Constitutionalism,” in Bruce Ackerman, et. als..Constitutionalism and Legitimacy in Asia and the Pacific,Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025 (forthcoming).
7.“Making China’s Apex Court (1928-1948): Legal History as Viewed from the Newly Opened Diaries,”Asia Pacific Journal of Society and Law, Vol.1, No.1, 2024.
8.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2022” (1stAuthor), in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2022 International Review of Constitutional Reform(November 5, 2023).
9.“The Longest Process: Making the Republic of China's 1946 Constitution”, in Malagodi and Bui (eds.),Asian Comparative Constitutional Law (Volume 1) — Constitution Making, Hart Publishing, 2023.
10.“One Council Two Constitutional Courts: A Holistic View of the Council of Grand
Justices (1948-2021),” in Bui, Hargreaves, and Mitchell (eds.),Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China,Routledge,2022.
11.“Consequential Court and Judicial Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, in Ng. & Zhao(eds.),Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
12.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2024” (co-author), in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2024 International Review of Constitutional Reform,2025 (forthcoming).
13.“The Republican Constitutional Thought: The Five Patterns of Five-Power Constitution”, in Albert Chen and Xingzhong Yu (eds.),Research Handbook on Chinese Legal Thought, Edward Elgar, 2025, forthcoming.
14.“Constitution-making in China: from the Imperial and Republican Constitutions to the Socialist Constitutions (1898 to 2018),” (co-author), in Guobin Zhu, Björn Ahl & Larry Catá Backer(eds.),The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Constitutional Law, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
15.“A Comparative Perspective for HK National Security Case Law: Somethoughts after Readingthe U.S. National Security Cases,” in Guobin Zhu, et. als.(eds.), National Security in the Courtroom, forthcoming.
10.“双面政府与国家安全国:认识美国国家安全法一个整体视角》,《紫荆杂志》,2020年9月8日。 网络连接:http://api.zjviewpoint.com/share/poetryReview_Details.html?id=4199。
2.《法律民族化运动:关于民国司法改革的一个整体观点(1912-1949)》, 《师大法学》,第5辑2020年。
1.“Republican Constitutional Thought: Five Patterns of Five-Power Constitution,”Tradition and Modernization: Continuities and Challenges in Chinese Legal Thought,University of Macau, January 17-18, 2025.
2.“The State-Capacity Constitutionalism in the 21stCentury: Taking China and U.S. National Security Constitution into Comparative Perspective,” Asian Constitutional Law Forum 2024: Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21stCentury, December 9-10, 2024.
3.“When China Became the World Leader of Judicial Review(1948-1958): Constitutional Court and the Wider Legacies of Chinese Constitutional Law in the 20thCentury,” November 8, 2024, the Law School of University of Macau.
4.“A Comparative Perspective for HK National Security Case Law: Some Helpful Insights from the U.S. National Security Cases,” National Security in the Courtroom, July 13, 2024, The City University of Hong Kong.
5.“The Authenticity of Innovative Constitutionalism: Making the first post-WWII constitutional Court,”The 3rdAsian Legal History Conference, June 20-21, 2023, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
6.“End of Exceptionalism? The Fourth Pathway and Innovative Constitutionalism”,Symposium on Constitutionalism and Legitimacy, December 2-3, 2022, Tokyo University, Japan.
7.“The Making of 1946 Constitution of the Republic of China,”Asian Comparative Constitutional Law Workshop, April 21, 2022, Oxford University, UK.
8.“China’s Constitutional Court vs Taiwan’s Constitutional Court: A Holistic View of the Council of Grand Justices (1948-2007,” Asian Legal History Conference, July 24-25, 2021, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
9.“The Lost Chinese Republicanism: History of China’s Constitutional Court,” Bi-annual Conference of The International Society for Chinese Law and History, 31 May – 1 Jun 2019, National Taipei University, Taiwan.
10.“Leading the Second Wave of Judicial Review: A Socio-Historical Analysis of China’s Constitutional Court”, 2018 Midwest Law and Society Retreat, UW-Madison.
11.“Daily Perspective: History of a Court in the Chinese Diaries”, Stanford Program in Law and Society 5th Conference for Junior Researchers, Stanford Law School, May, 2018.
12.“Consequential Court and its Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, presented on a ConferenceBeyond Convergence and Divergence – Chinese Legal Reform and Global Legal Order, Hong Kong University, June 1, 2015.
13.The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judge’s Strike in China”(英文), Lecture talk at Cornell Law School,November, 2013.
14.“A Magistrate Impeached: An Interpretation of Legal Change”, presented on the International Conference on Chinese Legal Change and Reform, Nanjing, Dec. 10-12, 2011.
Jiang, Zhaoxin (SJD; Ph.D. )
Professor of Law /Shandong University
E-mail: jiangzhaoxin@sdu.edu.cn
Education Background
1.8/2018-5/2021,SJD, University of Wisconsin Law School
2.9/2017-6.2018,JSM,Stanford Law School
3.9/2005-8/2008.Ph.D.in History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
4.9/2003-1/2005.M.A.in History, Stanford University
5.9/1999-7/2002.M.A.in Law, Graduation with Excellence,Beijing University
6.9/1993-7/1997.B.A.in Law, Yantai University
Research Interest
Legal History, Hong Kong Basic Law;
Comparative Constitutional Law, Comparative National Security Law;
Constitutional Development in Taiwan, Law and Society.
Working Experiences
1.9/2024 up to now,Professorin Law School, Shandong University.
2.11/2008 to 8/2024,Associate Professorin Law School, Shandong University.
3.1/2021 up to 5/2025,Honorary Research Fellowin the Chinese Law Programme of Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies/Department of General Education, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
3. 8/2012 -8/2014,Postdoctoral Associatein the Clarke Program in East Asian Law and
Culture at Cornell Law School; The first Chinese Postdoctoral Associate for the trans-
Pacific think tank “Meridian 180”.
4.2014 up to now,Memberof the International Society for Chinese Law and History.
5.2021 up to now,Memberof the Asian Legal History Association.
Courses Taught/Designed
1.English Course for international Ph.D. Students:Introduction to China’s Law and Legal System;For M.A. students,Chinese Law and Society. For B.A. Students, Introduction to Chinese Legal History, Foreign Legal Classics.
2.Chinese Courses for M.A. and B.A. Students:Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Chinese Legal History, Marriage and Family Law, International Criminal Law, Legal Methodologies, Introduction to Common Law, Introduction to Foreign Judicial Systems, Legal English.
English Book:
1. The Rise of Chinese Legal Exceptionalism: Court, Constitution, and Constitutionalists in the Republican China, 1912-1971, Brill Press, forthcoming (on post-review revision stage.)
Chinese Books:
1.A Broader Perspective for Hong Kong: A Study of the U.S. National Security Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: HKIAPS Press, 2023
2.China Law “Can’t See China”: A Study on Ju Zheng’s Judicial Era (1932-1948), Beijing: Qinghua University Press, 2010.
3.Judicial Nationalism Movement in the Republic of China: Biographical Studies of Guo Yunguan and Xie Guansheng, co-author, in progress.
Lectures on Modern Chinese Legal History, Beijing: Jiuzhou Publishing House, 2016.
Edited Book:
Collected Legal Writings by Xie Guansheng,Beijing:Qinghua University Press, Forthcoming (contract signed, manuscript submitted to the press).
Translation Books (English to Chinese):
1.Bruce Ackerman.The Failure of the Founding Fathers. Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2013; 2017.
2.Annelise Riles.Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets(Introduction and Conclusion Chapters).Beijing: China Democracy and Legal Press, 2013.
English Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
1.“State-centered Liberal Constitutionalism: An underappreciated legacy of ‘China’s Constitutional Court),” 22-1International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2024.
2.“A Constitutional Court’s Survival (By Any Name),” 22-1International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2024.
3.“The Untold Leader of Judicial Review: China’s Constitutional Court (1948-1971) and the Innovative Constitutionalism,” 21-2International Journal of Constitutional Law (SSCI), 2023.
4.“National Security Constitution and the ‘One Country, Two Systems’: An Outlook on the Hong Kong Basic Law,”The China Review (SSCI), forthcoming.
5.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2023”, in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2023 International Review of Constitutional Reform,2024 (forthcoming).
6.“End of Exceptionalism? The Fourth Pathway and the Innovative Constitutionalism,” in Bruce Ackerman, et. als..Constitutionalism and Legitimacy in Asia and the Pacific,Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025 (forthcoming).
7.“Making China’s Apex Court (1928-1948): Legal History as Viewed from the Newly Opened Diaries,”Asia Pacific Journal of Society and Law, Vol.1, No.1, 2024.
8.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2022” (1stAuthor), in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2022 International Review of Constitutional Reform(November 5, 2023).
9.“The Longest Process: Making the Republic of China's 1946 Constitution”, in Malagodi and Bui (eds.),Asian Comparative Constitutional Law (Volume 1) — Constitution Making, Hart Publishing, 2023.
10.“One Council Two Constitutional Courts: A Holistic View of the Council of Grand
Justices (1948-2021),” in Bui, Hargreaves, and Mitchell (eds.),Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China,Routledge,2022.
11.“Consequential Court and Judicial Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, in Ng. & Zhao(eds.),Chinese Legal Reform and the Global Legal Order: Adoption and Adaptation, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
12.“Constitutional Reform in China in 2024” (co-author), in Barroso, Luis Roberto and Albert, Richard (eds.),The 2024 International Review of Constitutional Reform,2025 (forthcoming).
13.“The Republican Constitutional Thought: The Five Patterns of Five-Power Constitution”, in Albert Chen and Xingzhong Yu (eds.),Research Handbook on Chinese Legal Thought, Edward Elgar, 2025, forthcoming.
14.“Constitution-making in China: from the Imperial and Republican Constitutions to the Socialist Constitutions (1898 to 2018),” (co-author), in Guobin Zhu, Björn Ahl & Larry Catá Backer(eds.),The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Constitutional Law, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
15.“A Comparative Perspective for HK National Security Case Law: Somethoughts after Readingthe U.S. National Security Cases,” in Guobin Zhu, et. als.(eds.), National Security in the Courtroom, forthcoming.
Selected Chinese Journal Articles
On Hong Kong Basic Law:
1. “Safeguarding National Security through Common Law: What Hong Kong can Learn from the U.S. National Security Cases,”Bauhinia Tribune (Hong Kong), 3/4,
2, “The U.S. Sedition Legislations: Lessons for the Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23 Legislations,”Bauhinia Tribune (Hong Kong), 1/2 2024.
3.“National Security Common Law and the Constitutional Nationalism: An Analysis of theLai Chee-YingCase,”Bauhinia Tribune (Hong Kong), No.56, March/April 2021.
4.“On the First Hong Kong National Security Case: Impacts of the Habeas Corps Writ Decision on the Development of Hong Kong Basic Law,”Bauhinia Tribune (Hong Kong),11/12,2020.
5.“Double Government and the National Security State: A Holistic Perspective on the U.S. National Security Law,”Bauhinia Magazine (Hong Kong), 2020.
On Chinese Legal History:
1.“Legal History for Seven Decades (1901-1971): A Study Centered on the Judicial Leaders,” inLegal History Studies (Taipei, THCI), 2022.
2.“Judicial Nationalism(1922-1931): On the Chinese Judges’ Role in the National Politics”,Qinghua Law Journal(CSSCI), 2017.
3.“The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judges’ Strike in China”, inPKU Law Review (CSSCI), No.1, Vol 15, 2014.
4.“There was no Judges against Shen Jiaben in the Republic of China”, inLegal History Studies (Taipei, THCI),Vol 24, 2013.
5.“Wang Jibao and HisMinguo Sifazhi”,inLegal History Studies (Taipei, THCI), Vol. 21, 2012.
Selected Conference English Presentations:
1.“Republican Constitutional Thought: Five Patterns of Five-Power Constitution,”Tradition and Modernization: Continuities and Challenges in Chinese Legal Thought,University of Macau, January 17-18, 2025.
2.“The State-Capacity Constitutionalism in the 21stCentury: Taking China and U.S. National Security Constitution into Comparative Perspective,” Asian Constitutional Law Forum 2024: Constitutional Change in Asia in the 21stCentury, December 9-10, 2024.
3.“A Comparative Perspective for HK National Security Case Law: Some Helpful Insights from the U.S. National Security Cases,” National Security in the Courtroom, July 13, 2024, The City University of Hong Kong.
4.“The Authenticity of Innovative Constitutionalism: Making the first post-WWII constitutional Court,”The 3rdAsian Legal History Conference, June 20-21, 2023, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
5.“End of Exceptionalism? The Fourth Pathway and Innovative Constitutionalism”,
Symposium on Constitutionalism and Legitimacy, December 2-3, 2022, Tokyo University, Japan.
6.“The Making of 1946 Constitution of the Republic of China,”Asian Comparative Constitutional Law Workshop, April 21-22, Oxford University, UK.
7.“China’s Constitutional Court vs Taiwan’s Constitutional Court: A Holistic View of the Council of Grand Justices (1948-2007,” Asian Legal History Conference, July 2425, 2021, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
8.“The Lost Chinese Republicanism: History of China’s Constitutional Court,” Bi-annual Conference of The International Society for Chinese Law and History, 31 May – 1 Jun 2019, National Taipei University, Taiwan.
9.“Leading the Second Wave of Judicial Review: A Socio-Historical Analysis of China’s Constitutional Court”, 2018 Midwest Law and Society Retreat, UW-Madison.
10.“Daily Perspective: History of a Court in the Chinese Diaries”, Stanford Program in Law and Society 5th Conference for Junior Researchers, Stanford Law School, May, 2018.
11.“Consequential Court and its Leadership: The Unwritten Republican Judicial Tradition in China”, presented on a ConferenceBeyond Convergence and Divergence – Chinese Legal Reform and Global Legal Order, Hong Kong University, June 1, 2015.
Selected Public Talks in English:
1.“When China Became the World Leader of Judicial Review(1948-1958): Constitutional Court and the Wider Legacies of Chinese Constitutional Law in the 20thCentury,” November 8, 2024, the Law School of University of Macau.
2.“A Wider Perspective: China’s Rise and the U.S. National Security Law,” at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, “In Dialogue with China” Talk Series, November 29, 2023.
3.“The Lost Soul Mates: On the First Judges’ Strike in China”, in the East Asian Law and Culture Colloquium, Cornell Law School, November 2013. (Elected by the JD students as the BEST colloquium talk of the year).
Linguistic Ability:
Chinese, English, French.