国际法博士研究生许斌所撰写的“The New Development of Ocean Governance Mechanism in Taiwan and its References for China”以及国际法博士研究生张瑛所撰写的“Offshore Wind Farm in Marine Spatial Planning and the Stakeholders Engagement: Opportunities and Challenges for Taiwan”分别发表在Ocean and Coastal Management,该刊位列SCI检索库,影响系数达1.861。此外,民商法博士研究生翟甜甜所撰写的“Standing of Environmental Public-Interest Litigation in China: Evolution, Obstacles and Solutions”被Journal of Environmental Law接收刊登,该刊为英国牛津大学法学院主编,被视为英国最权威的环境法刊物之一,位列SSCI检索库,影响系数达1.021。在更早之前,国际法博士研究生张超所撰写的论文“The Russian Federation Refuses to Appear before the ITLOS and the Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal”以及“Russian Absence at the Arctic Sunrise Case: A Comparison with the Chinese Position in the South China Sea Arbitration”分别发表于Chinese Journal of International Law(SSCI检索)以及Journal of East Asia and International Law(SSCI检索)。以上论文皆在张晏瑲教授指导下完成。